23-Sep-2021 | Market Research Store

A doctor examines the cause of illness by the physical condition of a patient along with performing some basic clinical tests. Apart from these, the medical professional prescribes a simple blood test to determine if the cause of illness is an infection. However, the approach of diagnosing and treating is way more complicated when a person is dealing with mental illness. So far, no meticulous diagnostic test has been commercially available to diagnose depression. Mental health experts can validate an accurate diagnostic testfordepression by distinguishing itfrom other psychiatric ailments, such asanxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, andobsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

A novel blood test has been developed as a screening technique and an appropriate way of diagnosing people suffering from depression. This mode of diagnosis would be dispassionate and useful for those, who hesitate to express their condition.There are only a limited number of blood tests available for detecting Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). The research for establishing accurate biomarkers to detect the suicidal ability of a man from his blood was led by Professor AlexanderB. Niculescu. These RNA-based biomarkers can be used to identify the severity of the psychological problem and specify the risk factor of the development of any bipolar disorder in the future. Not only the detection of the disease butalso these biomarkers suggested the type of treatment to be provided.

The study involved observation of 300 patients dealing with mental illness, who visitedthe Medical Centre in Indianapolis. The research was divided into four vital steps, which include discovery, prioritization, validation, and testing. Initially, the patients were monitoredduring high and low mood states. With the altering states, the changes were observed in biomarkers. Then the team employed the database to prioritize the findings.After prioritization, the candidates were tested for the possibility of development as well as the severity of illness.The researchers were keen to develop an accurate test and treatment for psychoactive patients and they believe that biomarkers would be a crucial tool in diagnosing diseases, where symptoms cannot be reported by the patients.

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