24-Sep-2021 | Market Research Store
As per an authentic report,one out of every ten peoplein the world experiences sudden acute cardiac arrest, with a demise rate of 30–50% even when CPR- and AED-like facilitiesare provided on time. While, in some incidences, ambulance and healthcare workersfail toreach the spotin time,as every minute after cardiac arrest is crucial. A team of scientists at Sweden’s Karolinska Institute has devised a pragmatic approach to prevent such unfortunate incidences.
The researchers explicated in their study findings about offering immediate aid to a patient suffering from cardiac arrest by delivering defibrillators using drones. This trial-based research is published in a peer-reviewed European Heart Journaland is presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress.Andreas Claesson, being the Research Head and Associate Professor at the Center for Resuscitation Science inKarolinskaInstitute, stated that this is the original researchin the history of medical science that canoffer intensivemedical assistance to a patient outside the hospital as quickly as the flash.
The team collaboratedwith the National Emergency operator SOS alarm to deliver defibrillators with the help of robust drones outside the hospital with ambulance andhealthcare workers. The drone cancarry the equipment and travel at a speed of around 27 meters per second. Sofia, a Ph.D. student and first author of the study,demonstrated that the dispatch officer could instruct the caretaker around the patient to quickly collect an automated external defibrillator for providing external support to patients experiencing a cardiac arrest.
This drone delivery program proved highly effective, especially in regions where commuting options are limited. However, this software begets some limitations such as it cannot be executed at lowlight,raining conditions, and during windy weather, which makes it unfeasible to alert the drone pilot about some outreach emergency cases.But according to the researchers, many follow-up programs are set to overcome the limitations and they hope to deliver early aid and help save lives.
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