28-May-2021 | Market Research Store
A collaboration from a German-Danish group of researchers aims to reduce the impact of climate change from an unusual source of pollutant. The production of rice counts for less than five percent of total global green house methane which in turn is 25 times stronger than CO2. A flooded rice field creates the optimal environment for producing methane. However, the researchers conclude that adding an electric conductive cable bacteria to the soil can reduce methane production by more than 90%. Cable bacteria are orgasms that are capable of transporting electrons over centimeter distance with the help of their filaments which can change the geochemical conditions of water saturated soil.
The cable recharges the soils compounds which contains copious amount of sulfate in the soil. This leads to a significant reduction of methane producing microbes in the soil. Previous studies indicate that rice growing can temporarily disable the production of methane by spreading sulfate over the fields. The cable bacteria simply does the entire operation on its own merits. Additionally, the following process causes permanent effects and not temporary ones. The latest findings adds a role to cable bacteria as the same as components which are termed as ecosystem engineers.
Cable bacteria are an unidentified form of life that are found on the bottom of the sea, lakes, sources of groundwater and steam in large quantities. The author of the study further emphasizes that the following finding are concluded from a lab-grown batch of rice with preset conditions, it can be tempting to duplicate the same effect in a real world scenario. However, the researchers further conclude that with an appropriate management of water and soil regime followed, it could create a sustainable environment for reduce methane from rice fields. However, solid results will require testing in real world conditions.