20-Sep-2021 | Market Research Store

The University of Bristol researchers have recently bought the world a step closer to having a totally verifiable and secure internet as the research study presented aims to dismiss the rising number of cyber security attacks and the growing risks of phishing scams by creating a prototype based model that aims to change the outlook on how we communicate on a daily basis through the online media. The team behind the research quotes that their modem has the potential to serve millions of users at a time and is currently the largest ever-quantum based network of its kind and could be used to cure people’s mode of communication online by implementing a fail-safe kind of mechanism during its regime.

The team has employed a new format of deployment to help the model harnesses the laws of physics as it makes messaging completely safe from interception while also overcoming major challenges that have previously limited advancement in this limitedly used but over-hyped technology. The team quotes that this represents a massive challenge for building a quantum internet that has a much realistic approach. The cost, time, and resources allocated toward building such an enormous system usually surpassed the realistic purpose of its functionality; however, the current solution provided is much scalable, cheaper, and implementable.

The current format of solution presented by the team applies a method called as entanglement which exploits the power of two different particles that are placed in separate locations, particularly thousands of miles apart in order to simultaneously mimic each other. This process has presented quite some viable opportunities for quantum computers, sensors, and information processing. Instead of mimicking the entire episode, the team replicated a method to split the light particles that can be emitted by a single system and then used by multiple systems effectively.

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