22-Sep-2021 | Market Research Store
Research team from the Linkoping University have recently uncovered the pertaining questions in a commonly asked health surveys for young people that are based on status and convey norms about how an optimal life should be unfolded. The team quotes that since the 1980s, the physical and mental health of the young and children were measured by an assortment of health surveys. One of the most commonly used survey is the internationally accepted “Health Behavior in School-aged Children Survey” which is taken by 11,13, and 15 year-olds every fourth year during a class in their school life. The research team behind the survey wanted to study the survey in order to see which of the adhering norms mentioned in the survey can be converted into the health surveys. The team also notes that no such combination of study has ever been presented and something of this rarity have never been presented. The findings of the study lie in parallel with the research team’s primary hypothesis that the surveys target questions on parent’s occupation and financial situation about how the individual child should shape up to be.
The team further goes on to quote that while these surveys can be used to find the general wellbeing of young people, they can also shed significant light for a broader significance as carriers of strictly ruled meaning and norms. The team interviewed 51 15 year-olds in three school classes as a way of levelling of how teens view the surveys analytical and scientific approach. According to the final conclusion of the study the research team remark that some of these questions can also underline questions about weight and body of the children which often gives rise to negative thoughts that they previously did not possess. The results further made them aware of the stark differences between their families financial abetments.
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