17-Mar-2021 | Market Research Store

In the type 2 diabetic patients, they have to mandatorily inject the drug Semaglutide for keeping the blood glucose level under control. This drug was found to help in weight loss of such patients. According to the latest study, the patients lost almost 10 Kg on an average. According to ProfessorMelanie Davies from the University of Leicester, the type 2 diabetics injecting 2.4mgof Semaglutide showed 5% loss in body weight and a significant improvement in the blood sugar level. The drug was found to successfully help lose almost 15% of the body weightin the patients administering the medicine.

It is exciting to find a diabetic drug to set a new era in the weight management for such patients. The new study is likely to set a new paradigm shift in experimenting with our capability of treating obesity. The invasive surgeries could thus be replaced with new finding of using a drug to lose weight the easy way. Further, the drug was also found to improve general health by increasing physical functioning scores and regulating blood pressure & blood glucose. It was observed that in regions in North America, Europe, South America, the Middle East, South Africa and Asiashowed that the sugar patients could not control their blood glucose level depending only on the diet, exercise, or metformin and other glucose lowering medicines.

It is thus clear that the drug Semaglutide could prove to be an effective treatment for people with obesity. There are million people who are dealing both obesity and diabetes at the same and are finding it difficult to lose weight through diet or just exercising. The weight management issues are only found to contribute to type 2 diabetes. By eating healthy, regular exercising, and daily administration of diabetic drugs to help control glucose levels may not show much of an improvement in many people, thus it is here that the drug semiglutide may seem to be a promising.