New Catalyst Helps Develop Biodiesel From Old Cooking Oil & Food Scraps

Recently, a team has found new means of recycling of agricultural waste and used cooking oil into biodiesel. They are also working toward converting food scraps or plastic rubbish into highly valuable products. The latest low-cost and powerful method uses a new type of highly efficient catalyst that can quickly help develop low-carbon biodiesel or other complex products from the different, impure raw substances. In case of used cooking oil, an intensive energy consuming cleaning process needs

Latest Metal-Organic Magnets Have Wide Range Applications

A team of researchers have found newly designed magnets with amazing physical properties that can very well compete with the traditional inorganic magnets used in the daily appliances. According to researchers from the Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal, the magnets have an important role in our everyday lives as well as in majority of the electronic and medical devices. Thus, the demand for new magnetic materials is increasing. Most of the materials are found to be made of rare earth metals or m

Green Tableware Is The New Alternative For Plastic Containers

Sugarcane and bamboo could now be used to make green tableware with high functionality and convenience that makes it the best alternative to plastic cups and other disposable plastic containers. Generally, the traditional plastic or biodegradable polymers are found to need high temperature to undergo degradation. However, the new material is found to be non-toxic, eco-friendly that requires only 60 Days to degrade. This clean and rapid method potentially can help keep the environment clean. Th

Latest Discovery Could Pave Way For Effective Hepatitis C Virus Treatment

Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS)researchershave discovered theimportant role of a cellular protein in the Hepatitis C virus infection, thus making way for a more effective and accurate treatment. Till date no vaccine has been developedfor Hepatitis C virus infection. It has been found to affect more than 130 Million people across the globe and almost 250,000 Canadians. Even though antivirals exist they are costly and not easily available in emergingnations, where the disea

Latest Imaging Technique Helps Identifying And Studying Deep Tumors

Tumor spotting, tracking, and studying are challenging tasks in the cases when a thick layer of exoskeleton and muscles covers cancer. Light-based imaging techniques fail to spot cancer. Therefore, clinicians have been using CT and MRI modalities to visualize the entrenched tumorous tissues.Recently, scientists at Stanford University have come up with a new approach of illuminating the tumorous cells residing underneath the skin.The team has designed new nanoparticles for thisapproach. Besides

Lebanese Locals Have To Pay For The Internet Voice Calls

From now, residents in a Middle East country, Lebanon, have to think twice before conducting an internet call. The Lebanese government has decided to implement a daily fee of 20 cents for VoIP calls on WhatsApp, FaceTime Audio, and other similar platforms. The government has been facing a shortage of fundsand declared an economic emergency to eliminate debts secure funds. The government has identified internet-calling charges as an effective approach to secure an estimated amount of $200 Milli

LED Light-Induced Technology Could Help Study Effectiveness Of Chemotherapy

Almost 60% of the cancer patients are seen to not respond to effectively to chemotherapy treatments. More worse, many of them experience toxic or deadly side effects. Recently a team of researchers from Purdue University developed a technique wherein the use of a simple LED light can help check if the chemotherapy options are suitable for the patients. The latest study published in the Scientific Reports shows the Doppler radar kind of technique to aid in advancing personalized medicine. The L

Liquid Nanofoam Liner In Helmets Can Reduce The Impact Of Collision

A new development that is a liquid nanofoam liner is currently in the testing phase as it is believed to increase the safety of football helmets. The researchers from Michigan State University have found that the helmets tend to face impacts grave enough to lead to concussion. Currently, the helmets being produced have their safety compromised in terms of looks. According to lead researcher Weiyi Lu, the liquid nanofoam material could enhance the safety of helmets owing to its tiny nanopores.T

Vehicle Fuel Economy Could Be Enhanced Using Kraft Lignin

The increasing global climate warming has urged the researchers to work toward reducing the use of fuels on a daily basis. It is thus believed that by lowering the weight of the vehicles the use of fuels could be reduced as the requirement of power and money will also be lessened. In the Chemical Engineering Journal, the team from Kanazawa University chemically transformed an industrial waste product in order to process it into lightweight structural material. It is thus believed the new inven

Researchers Develop Spongy Calcite Using Mussel Shells

A new sponge using calcium carbonate (CaCO3), which is generally found in chalk, marble,limestone,and the shells of mussels other shellfish, has been developed by a team from Memorial University Newfoundland. Generally, majority of the calcium carbonate are hard minerals but the new form is absorbent and soft. In the journal Matter, the researchers, reported their exploration of leftover mussel shells for new application. In addition some of the locals working in the aquaculture industry in C