In an effort to develop a remarkable bioassay model for the diagnosis and treatment of HIV infection, a team of researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine Centre conducted several lab trials and found that common mice cannot be contaminated by HIV. Hence, the scientists substituted those small lab mammals with new model organisms susceptible to HIV infection. The key difference between the common mice and the HIV-susceptible mice is that the latter one is comprised of human CD4 T cells. The researc
For establishing a remarkable prostate cancer screening service, a team of UK-based scientists took an initiative. According to them, the genetic tests will be conducted to check the prostate cancer vulnerability among common during the early stages.
This innovative method can significantly help tackle the nations commonly diagnosed cancer. This approach is equivalent to the breast cancer screening program. Each year, over 47500 prostate cancer patients are treated. However, in rare cases, t
Injectable medical equipment is revamping the healthcare sector by comprehensively reviewing the biological indicators and by effectively diagnosing several diseases at early stages. Scientists are enthusiastic about assembling and scaling down implantable medical equipment for carrying out in vitro and in vivo physiological monitoring. These appliances could be utilized to regulate physiological conditions, including blood pressure, temperature, glucose levels, and respiration for both therap
Zhen He, a professor at Washington University, mentioned that wastewater is composed of a bulk of unprocessed organic matter which can help derive energy with the aid of different approaches. In the laboratory, he has established a system that not only filters out the wastewater but also generates electricity. The outcomes of this remarkable research have been published in the renowned journal Environmental Science.
This organic matter in discharged water acts as a source of nourishment to b
Magnetostriction is the property, which leads to the expansion and contraction of ferromagnetic materials under the influence of a magnetic field. This effect allows magnetostrictive materials to effectively transform magnetic energy into mechanical energy. The research conducted by a team of scientists led by John Heron at the University Of Michigan involved the fabrication of a magnetoelectric device, which is composed of iron and gallium. The novel processing device is not only cost-effecti
An innovative monitoring system for agricultural applications that involved real-time image segmentation aboard drones to identify hogweed has been created by a team of Skoltech scientists. It is perilous for human health, farming, and the environment. Moreover, when this weed gets rubbed on human skin, particularly during exposure to solar radiation, it causes severe burns, which take several weeks to heal with help of continuous medical attention. A significant portion of the budget is being
All the nations are still suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic due to the global spread of the SaARS-coV-2 virus. Moreover, the cause behind the rapid deterioration of the health of several COVID-infected patients is uncertain. Some engineers at the University of New York have employed Artificial Intelligence technology to precisely predict the critical health of such patients. According to some experts, this novel AI-based approach of monitoring the health status of patients and evaluating th
During the ancient Greece periods, the naturopaths used to prescribe consumption of an herbaceous plant, French lilac (Galega officinalis), for the people suffering from unusual health problems such as excessive urination. This problem is considered a major symptom of Type II diabetes. Later, in the twentieth century, scientists were able to isolate the active ingredients from the plant and this novel approach has led them to discover the biguanides class of medicines. This class of medication
Austrias Joanneum Research in collaboration with the scientists at Osaka University has been working to develop a wireless health patch that generates energy for itself by employing built-in piezoelectric nanogenerators to generate power. This development can open new horizons for innovative autonomous health gadgets.
With the extensive use of wearable technology and sensor-based smart devices, tech developers are keen to find phenomenal energy sources to deliver power to these devices. The
Researchers from the Institute of Process Engineering (IPE) and the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) have drafted a new technique using a platelet-based formulation that possesses strong therapeutic effects against cancer in murine species. Scientists employed the accumulation and activation characteristics of the platelets for the benefit of mankind. The platelets present in the blood promote tumor targeting and intra-tumoral penetration. The biomimetic formulation has reveale