New Green Method Generates New Effective Pharmaceutical Intermediates

Researchers from the Rice University created a means to lower alkenes, simply synthesis using molecules, and develop intermediates for drugs other compounds through a dual-catalyst technique termed as cooperative hydrogen atom transfer (cHAT). The new method stimulated the hydrogenation of alkenes, carbon-carbon double bond comprised hydrocarbons, in a sustainable and simpler way. The study published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society clearly explains contribution of catalyst in

Researchers Develop Synthetic Melanin As An Alternate For Hair Dyes

The hair dyeing has always been considered to be a risk when used at home or salons. These products are risky due to increasing case of allergies or other skin irritation. Around 1% of the public are found to be allergic to dye.Additionally, the increasing use of dyes is found to cause cancer. However, it has been found that an alternative is much needed for list of salons and hair color lovers in need for natural alternatives to cosmetics and dyes. Recently a team from Northwestern University

Researchers Develop Gold Nanorods To Quickly Heal Skin Wounds &Cuts

The highly exposed human body organ, skin, is at the highest potential of being damaged during fates such as crashes and related unfortunate incidents. Some accidents might lead to deep cuts in the soft skin tissue and to recover those wounds, doctors and surgeons use sutures and staples in clinical practices. Meanwhile, some scientists at Arizona State University have designed asubstitutefor skin-holding staples. Researchers have informed that the new technique could be used solely or in comb

Researchers Develop A Portable Device Named New Quantum Cascade Laser

Scientists at MIT and the University of Waterloo have created anextremely powerful portable type of a device named a quantum cascade laser. This device is known to produce terahertz radiation in the in vitro conditions. The laser could widely be used in applications includingidentifying skin cancer and hidden explosives. The terahertz radiations generally was used to executereal-time imaging and quick spectral studythat require temperatures below 200K or lower. These temperatures could be obta

Researchers Create Two Novel HACs’ Models That Overcome Centromere Barriers

The key purpose behind designing Human artificial chromosomes (HACs) is to incorporate new genes in a human cell. In short, HACs are being used as genetic vectors. With the recombinant DNA technology and gene transformation process, researchers have been able to cure several genetic disorders. Even though this concept was introduced almost 20 Years back, still, its use is limited owing to an inefficient artificial centromere.A team of scientists, led by Ben Black from the University of Pennsyl

Researchers Believe Fiber-Rich Diet To Have An Impact Over Hypertension

There are around 100 Million micro-organisms thrivingin our gut and they are known tocontrol our metabolism, immune system, and possibly even the mental health.Recently Dr. Francine Marques, a Molecular Biologist and Geneticist, has shown interest in finding whether gut bacteria has an impact onhigh blood pressure or hypertension. The researchers are now striving to validate that the high-fiber diet does help manage the blood pressure levels in a healthy range. In the dietary fiber, the fiber

Ransomware Encrypts System Data Of An International Shipping Company

The global tech company recognized for serving shipping-related equipment and services, Pitney Bowes, has accepted that its systems were accessed during a cyberattack. The company publically stated that a widely known ransomware breached its system and encrypted all the information stored in it.The company has no clue regarding the culprit and the kind of ransomwareused for encryption in this cyberattack. However, it has been trying to resolve the issue with the support of a third-party consul

Researchers Develop Single-Molecule Nanocars For 2022 Competition

The University of Houston Rice University scientistsare working toward revolutionizing the machines to top the 2ndworldwideNanocar Race. However, the race has been postponed to 2022 and thus, the researchers have to waitmore than expected. The latest design has been clearly mentioned in the Journal of Organic Chemistry of the American Society. The researchers Anton Dubrovskiyfrom the University of Houstonand James Tour of Rice University advanced the cars by adding in tert-butyl-based wheels t

Smart Tablecloth Can Help Find Lost Objects And Perform Lot More Functions

A team of researchers from Dartmouth College and Microsoft Research developed a smart cloth that can easily detect non-metallic objects right fromavocadoes to credit cards. The new fabric has been named Capacitivo and its senses switches in electrical charge to detect products with different sizes and shapes. The sensing system presented at the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2020) is projected to change the way people communicate with computing using soft objects

Scientists Discover The Process Of Water Formation On Asteroids In Space

Astronomers have unveiledone of the secret mysteries aboutthe cosmos. They have been able to findthe formation of water molecules on asteroids travelling in space.The latest research reported in the journal Nature Astronomystates thatwhen the meteoroids solar wind come in contact at exceptionally low temperatures they together help water replenish on the asteroids surface. Furthermore, the lead authorDr. Katarina Miljkovicfrom the Space Science and Technology Centre at Curtin University in Au