Scientists Call For Change In The Next Generation Of Modern Medicine

Researchers from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai(ISMMS)disclosed that genomic information extracted from population biobanks globally comprise much less ethnic assortment than needed. Out of almost 5 Million samples of DNA at biobanks universally, 68% come from people of European ancestry. This absence of diversity restricts scientistscapability to find link between genetic variants and disease, and also contributes to extending ethnic differences in health care, eventually prevent

Scientists Are Exploring The Power Of Microbes For Mining In Space

For severaldecades, people have been performingmany practices to minevaluablemetals and minerals from solid rock. It is recently that theresearchers have learned how to bind the power of microbes to do some of this work. This process, commonly known asbiomining has become a normaltechnique on the Earth.As humansaimexpeditions to places like the Moon and Mars, biomining presents a method to accessrequired materials on other planetary bodies instead of bringing them from Earth. This tactic is ca

Researchers Have A New Therapeutic Against Leukemia

Leukemia stem cells are the ones that give rise to leukemia. These stem cells usually reside in a tumor stimulating and shielding niche located in the bone marrow. Recently a team of scientists from the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Germany, has found a novel method to make these cells vulnerable by speciallyremoving these cells from their niches. Moreover, as the blood cells have a limited lifespan they are lost during bleeding or used at the time of infection. Thus, it is a must to h

Researchers Find Hospitals Contaminated With Infection-Causing MRDOs

From the past several decades, doctors and nurses have been trying to avoid the spread of germs by regularly washing their hands. But recent study findings recommend the patients to follow this habit too.In the study, 399 patients fromdifferent hospitals were examined. The research found that superbug antibiotic-resistant bacteria were present on the hands or nostrils of 14% of the patients at the early phase of admission. In addition, 33%of bacterial testswere positive for the objects they us

Researchers Discover New Natural Antifreeze Proteins

There are a few molecules that bind to the ice surface such that create a curved interface that can inhibit the ice growth. The new protein molecule that behaves as natural antifreeze agents is found in certain insects, plants, and sea-dwelling creatures that let the organisms bear freezing temperatures. The researchers used computational simulations to depict the ice binding through a biasing technique. The new antifreeze proteins tend to bind onto the interface between ice and liquid water.

Study ShowsPaclitaxel-Coated ToolsTo Effectively Unblock Arteries

Earlier this year, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a safety warning about avoiding the use of paclitaxel-coated balloons and stents in lower limbs for arterial revascularization.The outcomes from metadata of 28 randomized meticulous trials involving 4663 volunteers suggested that there could be a two-fold more risk of demise among patients who had equippedpaclitaxel-coated devices. The study findings are available in the European Heart Journal. In the current study, the re

Study Shows Calcium Amassing To Be Unlikely To Increase The Risks Of AMD

A calcium-rich diet or calcium supplement is found to have no role in increasing the risks of age-related macular degeneration(AMD). According to a team of researchers from National Eye Institute (NEI), AMD is one of the major causes of blindness and vision loss in Americans aged 65 Years and older. The latest report published in JAMA Ophthalmology challenges the previous findings that high calcium levels surges theoccurrence of AMDand instead justify that calcium has a defensive role in AMD.A

Study Shows 33% Of Employees In Homeless Shelters To HavePTSD

It is probably not a surprise that several people who deal with homelessness have encountered trauma in their lives. Nevertheless, a new research conducted by the University of CalgaryFaculty of Social Work (UOFC) states that anastonishingly large number of people who work with individuals in homeless shelters also encountered trauma on a regular basis.The study wasconducted by scientist Dr. Jeannette Waegemakers Schiffin collaboration withDr. Annette M. Lane of Athabasca University. The study

Soy-Rich Diet Could Lower Risks Of Cognitive Decline

Researchers have lately found soy to contain a metabolite that may decrease a key risk factor for dementia along with the help of a particular bacteria. According to the researchers fromthe University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health, the latest study published in the journalAlzheimers Dementia: Translational Research Clinical Interventions reports the people having equol, a metabolite produced by the dietary soy to help grow a specific type of gut bacteria that aid in reducing

Sound Waves Could Now Travel Through The Oceans Making Positioning Easy

Rainy seasons are always a problem for the GPS as it isnt waterproof. The navigation system uses radio waves that are usually disturbed in the liquids like seawater. Using the acoustic signals, the tracking of undersea objects such as drones or whales is all possible. The batteries are a must for devices that generate and send sound. However, the major drawback is the size and durability of the batteries that need changing very often. Recently, a team from MIT built a system that is battery-fr